发布日志- kratos v2.1.4 发布!


v2.1.4 release


New Features

feat(registry/consul): add WithHeartbeat option (#1738)
feat(examples/):add etcd registry cmux example (#1734)
feat(transport):add grpc and http with listen (#1729)
feat(cmd/kratos): generating API documentation using Gnostic (#1716)

Bug Fixes

fix: k8s client logr incompatible update (#1744)
fix(registry/consul):fix can't get service instance in async mode (#1731)
fix(registry/consul): fix can not find service in 20s (#1728)
fix: remove the use of client timeout as discovery time (#1715)
fix(cmd/kratos): add look protoc-gen-openapi when use kratos proto client (#1726)
fix FieldMask are converted to/from lower-camel naming conventions. (#1724)
fix(cmd/protoc-gen-go-http): Fix when replacement rule is not ending (#1721)
fix: fix typo in cmd/protoc-gen-go-http/http.go(is does not -> does not) (#1718)
fix(protoc-gen-go-http): Update http rule when path mappings (#1704)
fix(cmd): fixed a camel word enum error
fix(cmd/proto-gen-http-go): remove go.mod replace (#1707)


sync to gitee (#1746)
upgrade(examples):upgrade go mod version (#1745)
test(errors): add errors test (#1739)
optimization: optimize error (#1740)
test(transport): add transport Listener test (#1735)

发布日志- kratos v2.1.4 发布!的相关教程结束。

《发布日志- kratos v2.1.4 发布!.doc》
