opencv cv.line


cv.line(), , cv.rectangle(), cv.ellipse(), cv.putText()
In all the above functions, you will see some common arguments as given below:
img : The image where you want to draw the shapes
color : Color of the shape. for BGR, pass it as a tuple, eg: (255,0,0) for blue. For grayscale, just pass the scalar value.
thickness : Thickness of the line or circle etc. If -1 is passed for closed figures like circles, it will fill the shape. default thickness = 1
lineType : Type of line, whether 8-connected, anti-aliased line etc. By default, it is 8-connected. cv.LINE_AA gives anti-aliased line which looks great for curves.
# cv2.line 官方的解释如下
void cv::line ( InputOutputArray img,
Point pt1,
Point pt2,
const Scalar & color,
int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8,
int shift = 0
cv.line(img, pt1, pt2, color[, thickness[, lineType[, shift]]] ) -> img
各个参数的含义如下: img Image.
pt1 First point of the line segment.
pt2 Second point of the line segment.
color Line color. BGR顺序
thickness Line thickness.
lineType Type of the line. See LineTypes.
shift Number of fractional bits in the point coordinates. '''
import cv2 as cv
# Create a black image
img = cv.imread('messi.jpg')
# Draw a diagonal blue line with thickness of 5 px
cv.line(img,(0,0),(511,511),(255,0,0),lineType = cv.LINE_AA,shift =0)
cv.imshow('img line ',img)
if cv.waitKey(0) & 0xff==ord('q'):
#rectangle 官方解读如下
void cv::rectangle ( InputOutputArray img,
Point pt1,
Point pt2,
const Scalar & color,
int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8,
int shift = 0
cv.rectangle( img, pt1, pt2, color[, thickness[, lineType[, shift]]] ) -> img
cv.rectangle( img, rec, color[, thickness[, lineType[, shift]]] ) -> img img Image.
pt1 Vertex of the rectangle.
pt2 Vertex of the rectangle opposite to pt1 .
color Rectangle color or brightness (grayscale image).
thickness Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values, like FILLED, mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle.
lineType Type of the line. See LineTypes
shift Number of fractional bits in the point coordinates.
LINE_4 Python: cv.LINE_4 4-connected line
LINE_8 Python: cv.LINE_8 8-connected line
LINE_AA Python: cv.LINE_AA antialiased line ''' import cv2
img = cv2.imread(r'messi.jpg')
cv2.rectangle(img, (120, 10), (240, 100), (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.imshow("rectangle", img)
if cv.waitKey(0) & 0xff==ord('q'):
cv.destroyAllWindows() '''
void cv::circle ( InputOutputArray img,
Point center, # 圆心
int radius, # 半径
const Scalar & color,
int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8,
int shift = 0
Python: img, center, radius, color[, thickness[, lineType[, shift]]] ) -> img
''',(80,80),30,(0,0,255),-1) cv2.imshow('img',img) if cv.waitKey(0) & 0xff==ord('q'):
cv.destroyAllWindows() '''
void cv::putText ( InputOutputArray img,
const String & text,
Point org,
int fontFace,
double fontScale,
Scalar color,
int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8,
bool bottomLeftOrigin = false
cv.putText( img, text, org, fontFace, fontScale, color[, thickness[, lineType[, bottomLeftOrigin]]] ) -> img '''
import time
import cv2
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
while (1):
ret, img = text = 'camera is ready.'
import random
indx = random.randint(0,len(text))
# 图片 添加的文字 位置 字体 字体 大小 字体颜色 字体粗细
cv2.putText(img, text, (5,5+indx*10 ), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (0, 0, 255), 2)
cv2.imshow("image", img)
if cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
cv2.destroyAllWindows() #Tips:此处注意,是两个点,但是很多数据集给的标注信息是左上角的点和宽高,所以你要转换一次。同时各个地方坐标点是整数值,这个可千万要记住,


opencv cv.line的相关教程结束。

《opencv cv.line.doc》
