02. SQL表达式的灵活使用



一. 在HAVING中使用表达式

--drop table t
create table t(c1 int,c2 int) insert into t
select 1,100 union all
select 1,200 union all
select 2,100 union all
select 2,200 union all
select 2,300 union all
select 3,50 union all
select 3,200 union all
select 4,50 union all
select 4,200 union all
select 4,300

返回c1,满足:有3个且都大于等于100 的c2 (学校的考试题中很多见)。

select c1 from t
group by c1
having min(c2)>=100 and count(1)=3

同样,表达式也可以用于group by 子句。

二. 在ORDER BY中使用表达式

--drop table t_orderby
create table t_orderby
c1 int null,
c2 varchar(10) null,
c3 varchar(10) null
) insert into t_orderby
select 1,'','a1' union all
select 1,'','a2' union all
select 3,'','ab' union all
select 1,'','b1'

1. c2列的数据按'4','1','2'的指定顺序排序

(1) 使用union

select * from t_orderby
where c2=''
union all
select * from t_orderby
where c2=''
union all
select * from t_orderby
where c2=''

(2) 使用表达式方法1

select * from t_orderby
order by charindex(c2,'4,1,2')

(3) 使用表达式方法2,再加个按照c1倒序

select * from t_orderby
order by case
when c2='' then 1
when c2='' then 2
when c2='' then 3
end,c1 desc

2. 随机排序

(1) 要求c2='4'排第一行,其他的行随机排序

select * from t_orderby
order by case
when c2='' then 1
else 1+rand()

(2) 所有行随机排序

select * from t_orderby
order by newid()

(3) 随机取出第一行

select top 1 * from t_orderby
order by newid()

3. 要求列c3中数据,先按第一个字符排序,再按第二个字符排序

select * from t_orderby
order by left(c3,1),ASCII(substring(c3,2,1))

三. 在COUNT中使用表达式

--drop table t_count
create table t_count
c1 varchar(10) null,
c2 varchar(10) null
) insert into t_count values(null,null)
insert into t_count values('a','b')
insert into t_count values('a','b')
insert into t_count values('c','d')

1. 使用常量表达式避免忽略NULL值

select COUNT(c1) from t_count --
select COUNT(distinct c1) from t_count --

聚合函数中, SUM/AVG/COUNT中的NULL会被忽略,比如:这里的count(c1)忽略了null

select COUNT(*) from t_count --
select COUNT(1) from t_count --
select COUNT(1000) from t_count --


另外,count(1)和order by 1,2那里的数字意思不一样,order by后面的序号表示列号。

2. 小心表达式值为NULL被忽略

select count(*) from (select c1,c2 from t_count group by c1,c2) t --
select count(*) from (select distinct c1,c2 from t_count) t --
select count(distinct c1+c2) from t_count --

四. 在JOIN中使用表达式

--drop table t1,t2
create table t1
url varchar(1000)
) create table t2
code varchar(1000)
) --insert
insert into t1
select 'http://www.baidu.com/test1' union all
select 'http://www.baidu.com/test2' union all
select 'http://www.baidu.com/test3' union all
select 'www.baidu.com/test1' union all
select 'www.baidu.com/test2' union all
select 'http://www.google.com/test1' union all
select 'http://www.google.com/test2' union all
select 'http://www.sogou.com/test3' union all
select 'http://www.sogou.com/test4' insert into t2
select 'baidu.com' union all
select 'sogou.com'


select t2.code,t1.url from t1
inner join t2
on CHARINDEX(t2.code,t1.url) > 0 --结果如下
baidu.com http://www.baidu.com/test1
baidu.com http://www.baidu.com/test2
baidu.com http://www.baidu.com/test3
baidu.com www.baidu.com/test1
baidu.com www.baidu.com/test2
sogou.com http://www.sogou.com/test3
sogou.com http://www.sogou.com/test4


--drop table t1,t2
create table t1
url varchar(1000)
) create table t2
code varchar(1000)
) --insert
insert into t1
select 'baidu%' union all
select 'baidu' union all --CANNOT be found without wildcard like %
select 'baidu.com' union all --identical string can also be found
select 'XXXbaidu.comXXX' union all --CANNOT be found without wildcard like %
select 'sogou%' insert into t2
select 'baidu.com' union all
select 'sogou.com' --like
select t2.code,t1.url
from t1
inner join t2
on t2.code like t1.url
--on t2.code like t1.url+'%'
baidu.com baidu%
baidu.com baidu.com
sogou.com sogou%
*/ --patindex
select t2.code,t1.url
from t1
inner join t2
on patindex(t1.url,t2.code)>0
baidu.com baidu%
baidu.com baidu.com
sogou.com sogou%


02. SQL表达式的灵活使用的相关教程结束。

《02. SQL表达式的灵活使用.doc》
