协程 && 异步例子


# 异步redis
# 在使用python代码操作redis的时候,连接、操作、断开都是网络IO。
# 安装aioredis模块:
pip install aioredis==1.3.1
# 例: 该例子使用的是aioredis==1.3.1,想要使用最新版本,请直接到pipy上查看文档。
import asyncio
import aioredis async def execute(address, passwd):
print('start', address)
redis = await aioredis.create_redis_pool(address, password=passwd)
await redis.hmset_dict('car', key1=1, key2=2,key3=3)
result = await redis.hgetall('car', encoding='utf-8')
print(result) redis.close()
await redis.wait_closed()
task_list = [execute('redis://', None),
execute('redis://', None),]
asyncio.run(asyncio.wait(task_list)) # 异步Mysql
# 依赖模块:
sudo pip3 install asyncio
# 例:
import asyncio
import aiomysql async def execute(host, password):
conn = await aiomysql.connect(host=host,port=3306, user='root', password=password, db='mysql')
cur = await conn.cursor()
await cur.execute('select * from res_user')
result = await cur.fetchall()
print(result) await cur.close()
print('end', host)
task_list = [
execute('', '123456'),
execute('', '123456'),
asyncio.run(asyncio.wait(task_list)) # 爬虫异步
import aiohttp
import asyncio async def fetch(session, url):
print('发送请求:', url)
async with session.get(url, verify_ssl=False) as response:
text = await response.text()
print('得到结果:', text)
return text
async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
url_list = [
tasks = [ asyncio.create_task(fetch(session, url)) for url in url_list]
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks) if __name__ == '__main__':
asyncio.run( main() )

协程 && 异步例子的相关教程结束。

《协程 && 异步例子.doc》
