[转帖]CentOS 8.0.1905 和CentOS Stream(滚动发行)正式发布


CentOS 8.0.1905 和CentOS Stream(滚动发行正式发布


还发现openssl 的 版本太高 不兼容 dotnet 2.1 的bug...

新版本 的确容易出问题呢 而且我安装pg12也出坑了. 

正在下载CentOS 8.0 ISO镜像DVD-1,这次镜像真不是一般的大,如图所示,DVD1居然都高达6.6GB了。厉害了。我过几天可能会写个虚拟机下安装和体验的文章。看有没有时间了。


9月24日,Distrowatch网站最新消息显示,CentOS 8.0正式版和CentOS Stream发布。


The CentOS project, a 100% compatible rebuild of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux, in full compliance with Red Hat's redistribution requirements, has published a new version: CentOS 8.0.1905. The new version is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 sources. There are two main editions of CentOS, depending on your needs, CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream: "You now have two ways to consume the CentOS platform, CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream. CentOS Linux is a rebuild of the freely available sources for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). CentOS Stream is a midstream distribution that provides a cleared-path for participation in creating the next version of RHEL. Read more in the CentOS Stream release notes." CentOS Stream is a rolling release distribution that acts as a middle ground between the cutting edge packages in Fedora and the stable, long-term packages available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Both editions of CentOS are available in off-line and net-install (boot) editions. Additional information can be found in the release announcement and in the release notes (CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream).


100%兼容重建红帽企业Linux完全符合Red Hat的再分配要求的CentOS项目,发布了一项新的版本:CentOS 8.0.1905。新版本基于Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0。CentOS有两个主要版本,具体取决于您的需求,它们分别是CentOS Linux和CentOS Stream:“ 现在,您有两种使用CentOS平台的方式,即CentOS Linux和CentOS Stream。CentOSLinux是Red Hat提供的企业Linux(RHEL)源代码的重建。CentOS Stream是一种中间发行版本,为参与创建下一版本的RHEL提供了明确的途径,请参阅CentOS Stream发行说明中的​​更多内容。“ CentOS Stream是一个滚动发行版,充当Fedora中最先进的软件包与Red Hat Enterprise Linux中可用的稳定长期软件包之间的中间地带。两种版本的CentOS都可以离线和网络安装使用(引导)版本。其他信息可在发行公告和发行说明(CentOS Linux和CentOS Stream)中找到。

接下来,上一张官方的CentOS 8.0 正式版截图:

我们来做个比较吧。对CentOS 8.0.1905和7.7.1908两个版本进行一个软件包版本的对比:

CentOS Linux 8和CentOS Stream发行公告官方网站:https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2019-September/023449.html

CentOS 8发行说明官方网站:

Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS8.1905 - CentOS Wiki​wiki.centos.org

CentOS Stream发行说明官方网站:

Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSStream - CentOS Wiki​wiki.centos.org


CentOS-8-x86_64-1905-dvd1 下载地址:


CentOS-8-x86_64-1905-boot 下载地址:


CentOS-Stream-x86_64-dvd1 下载地址:


CentOS-Stream-x86_64-boot 下载地址:


[转帖]CentOS 8.0.1905 和CentOS Stream(滚动发行)正式发布的相关教程结束。

《[转帖]CentOS 8.0.1905 和CentOS Stream(滚动发行)正式发布.doc》
