Semantic Kernel 入门系列:💾Native Function




最基本的Native Function定义只需要在方法上添加 SKFunction 的特性即可。

using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.SkillDefinition;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Orchestration; namespace MySkillsDirectory; public class MyCSharpSkill
[SKFunction("Return the first row of a qwerty keyboard")]
public string Qwerty(string input)
return "qwertyuiop";
} [SKFunction("Return a string that's duplicated")]
public string DupDup(string text)
return text + text;

默认情况下只需要传递一个string 参数就行,如果需要多个参数的话,和Semantic Function一样,也是使用Context,不过这里传进去是 SKContext。在方法上使用 SKFunctionContextParameter声明一下参数,可以提供一定的说明,同时的有需要的话,可以设置参数的默认值。

using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.SkillDefinition;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Orchestration; namespace MySkillsDirectory; public class MyCSharpSkill
[SKFunction("Return a string that's duplicated")]
public string DupDup(string text)
return text + text;
} [SKFunction("Joins a first and last name together")]
[SKFunctionContextParameter(Name = "firstname", Description = "Informal name you use")]
[SKFunctionContextParameter(Name = "lastname", Description = "More formal name you use")]
public string FullNamer(SKContext context)
return context["firstname"] + " " + context["lastname"];

调用的时候,一样使用 ContextVariables.

using Microsoft.SemanticKernel;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Orchestration; using MySkillsDirectory; // ... instantiate a kernel as myKernel var myContext = new ContextVariables();
myContext.Set("lastname","Appdev"); var myCshSkill = myKernel.ImportSkill ( new MyCSharpSkill(), "MyCSharpSkill");
var myOutput = await myKernel.RunAsync(myContext,myCshSkill["FullNamer"]); Console.WriteLine(myOutput);


using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.SkillDefinition;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Orchestration; public class MyCSharpSkill
[SKFunction("Return the first row of a qwerty keyboard")]
public string Qwerty(string input)
return "qwertyuiop";
} [SKFunction("Return the second row of a qwerty keyboard")]
public async Task<string> AsdfgAsync(string input)
await something asynchronous... return "asdfghjkl";

这里针对 AsdfgAsync 添加了一个 SKFunctionName 的特性,主要是为了使Function name 好看一些,避免 MyCSharpSkill.AsdfgAsync 这样。


和 Semantic Function中能够调用 Native Function一样,在 Native Function也可以调用Semantic Function,其中主要使用的还是 SKContext.

using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.SkillDefinition;
using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Orchestration; namespace MySkillsDirectory; public class MyCSharpSkill
[SKFunction("Tell me a joke in one line of text")]
public async Task<string> TellAJokeInOneLineAsync(SKContext context)
// Fetch a semantic function previously loaded into the kernel
ISKFunction joker1 = context.Func("funSkill", "joker"); // OR Fetch a semantic function previously loaded into the kernel
ISKFunction joker2 = context.Skills.GetSemanticFunction("funSkill", "joker"); var joke = await joker1.InvokeAsync(); return joke.Result.ReplaceLineEndings(" ");

这里并没有限制是 Semantic Function 还是Native Function,所以甚至可以完全使用Native Function编排技能调用,除了参数的定义和提取有些费劲以外,其他的几乎没什么问题,毕竟返回值都是string,这也就贯彻了Text is the universal wire protocol,即便是代码也得将就一下。


Semantic Kernel 中大部分的能力都是有技能提供的,例如Semantic Kernel的一个核心组件Planner,其实就是一个Semantic Skill,另外官方提供了一些Core SKill,基本是日常比较常用的。具体可以参考

和自行定义的Native Function一样的,只需要使用ImportSkill就行了

using Microsoft.SemanticKernel.CoreSkills;

// ( You want to instantiate a kernel and configure it first )

myKernel.ImportSkill(new TimeSkill(), "time");

const string ThePromptTemplate = @"
Today is: {{time.Date}}
Current time is: {{time.Time}} Answer to the following questions using JSON syntax, including the data used.
Is it morning, afternoon, evening, or night (morning/afternoon/evening/night)?
Is it weekend time (weekend/not weekend)?"; var myKindOfDay = myKernel.CreateSemanticFunction(ThePromptTemplate, maxTokens: 150); var myOutput = await myKindOfDay.InvokeAsync();

至此,Semantic Kernel 的基础能力就学习得差不多了。


Semantic Kernel 入门系列:💾Native Function的相关教程结束。

《Semantic Kernel 入门系列:💾Native Function.doc》
