odoo Model字段的参数


odoo Model字段参数

class Field(object):
""" The field descriptor contains the field definition, and manages accesses
and assignments of the corresponding field on records. The following
attributes may be provided when instanciating a field: :param string: the label of the field seen by users (string); if not
set, the ORM takes the field name in the class (capitalized). :param help: the tooltip of the field seen by users (string) :param readonly: whether the field is readonly (boolean, by default ``False``) :param required: whether the value of the field is required (boolean, by
default ``False``) :param index: whether the field is indexed in database (boolean, by
default ``False``) :param default: the default value for the field; this is either a static
value, or a function taking a recordset and returning a value; use
``default=None`` to discard default values for the field :param states: a dictionary mapping state values to lists of UI attribute-value
pairs; possible attributes are: 'readonly', 'required', 'invisible'.
Note: Any state-based condition requires the ``state`` field value to be
available on the client-side UI. This is typically done by including it in
the relevant views, possibly made invisible if not relevant for the
end-user. :param groups: comma-separated list of group xml ids (string); this
restricts the field access to the users of the given groups only :param bool copy: whether the field value should be copied when the record
is duplicated (default: ``True`` for normal fields, ``False`` for
``one2many`` and computed fields, including property fields and
related fields) :param string oldname: the previous name of this field, so that ORM can rename
it automatically at migration .. _field-computed: .. rubric:: Computed fields One can define a field whose value is computed instead of simply being
read from the database. The attributes that are specific to computed
fields are given below. To define such a field, simply provide a value
for the attribute ``compute``. :param compute: name of a method that computes the field :param inverse: name of a method that inverses the field (optional) :param search: name of a method that implement search on the field (optional) :param store: whether the field is stored in database (boolean, by
default ``False`` on computed fields) :param compute_sudo: whether the field should be recomputed as superuser
to bypass access rights (boolean, by default ``False``) The methods given for ``compute``, ``inverse`` and ``search`` are model
methods. Their signature is shown in the following example:: upper = fields.Char(compute='_compute_upper',
search='_search_upper') @api.depends('name')
def _compute_upper(self):
for rec in self:
rec.upper = rec.name.upper() if rec.name else False def _inverse_upper(self):
for rec in self:
rec.name = rec.upper.lower() if rec.upper else False def _search_upper(self, operator, value):
if operator == 'like':
operator = 'ilike'
return [('name', operator, value)] The compute method has to assign the field on all records of the invoked
recordset. The decorator :meth:`odoo.api.depends` must be applied on
the compute method to specify the field dependencies; those dependencies
are used to determine when to recompute the field; recomputation is
automatic and guarantees cache/database consistency. Note that the same
method can be used for several fields, you simply have to assign all the
given fields in the method; the method will be invoked once for all
those fields. By default, a computed field is not stored to the database, and is
computed on-the-fly. Adding the attribute ``store=True`` will store the
field's values in the database. The advantage of a stored field is that
searching on that field is done by the database itself. The disadvantage
is that it requires database updates when the field must be recomputed. The inverse method, as its name says, does the inverse of the compute
method: the invoked records have a value for the field, and you must
apply the necessary changes on the field dependencies such that the
computation gives the expected value. Note that a computed field without
an inverse method is readonly by default. The search method is invoked when processing domains before doing an
actual search on the model. It must return a domain equivalent to the
condition: ``field operator value``. .. _field-related: .. rubric:: Related fields The value of a related field is given by following a sequence of
relational fields and reading a field on the reached model. The complete
sequence of fields to traverse is specified by the attribute :param related: sequence of field names Some field attributes are automatically copied from the source field if
they are not redefined: ``string``, ``help``, ``readonly``, ``required`` (only
if all fields in the sequence are required), ``groups``, ``digits``, ``size``,
``translate``, ``sanitize``, ``selection``, ``comodel_name``, ``domain``,
``context``. All semantic-free attributes are copied from the source
field. By default, the values of related fields are not stored to the database.
Add the attribute ``store=True`` to make it stored, just like computed
fields. Related fields are automatically recomputed when their
dependencies are modified. .. _field-company-dependent: .. rubric:: Company-dependent fields Formerly known as 'property' fields, the value of those fields depends
on the company. In other words, users that belong to different companies
may see different values for the field on a given record. :param company_dependent: whether the field is company-dependent (boolean) .. _field-sparse: .. rubric:: Sparse fields Sparse fields have a very small probability of being not null. Therefore
many such fields can be serialized compactly into a common location, the
latter being a so-called "serialized" field. :param sparse: the name of the field where the value of this field must
be stored. .. _field-incremental-definition: .. rubric:: Incremental definition A field is defined as class attribute on a model class. If the model
is extended (see :class:`~odoo.models.Model`), one can also extend
the field definition by redefining a field with the same name and same
type on the subclass. In that case, the attributes of the field are
taken from the parent class and overridden by the ones given in
subclasses. For instance, the second class below only adds a tooltip on the field
``state``:: class First(models.Model):
_name = 'foo'
state = fields.Selection([...], required=True) class Second(models.Model):
_inherit = 'foo'
state = fields.Selection(help="Blah blah blah") """


在认识odoo ORM框架前,先介绍一下odoo中模块目录结构。


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# name:模块名称
'name': " test",
# description:模块描述
'description': """
# author:模块作者(XXX公司或张三)
'author': "Hu",
# website:作者或公司网址
'website': "http://weibo.com/hcw1202",
# category:模块分类
'category': "test",
# version:模块版本
'version': "版本",
# depends:所依赖其他模块
'depends': ["base","stock","sale"],
# 模块安装时加载
'data': [
# 创建数据库时勾选Load demonstration data后安装该模块加载演示数据
'demo': [



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import models, api, fields, _
class Test(models.Model):
# 模型唯一标识(对应数据表为product_manage_product)
_name = 'product_manage.product'
# 数据显示名称,如设置则返回其指定的字段值
_rec_name = 'test_field'
# 字段
test_field = fields.Char(string="字段名称")


例:_order = "create_date desc":根据创建时间降序排列。可指定多个字段。



格式:_constraints = [(method, 'error message', [field1, ...]), ...]


error message:不符合检查条件时(method返回False)弹出的错误信息

[field1, ...]:字段名列表,这些字段的值会出现在error message中。


例:_sql_constraints = [ ('number_uniq', 'unique(number, code)', 'error message') ]


CONSTRAINT number_uniq UNIQUE(number, code)


格式:_inherit = '父类 _name'


格式:_inherits = {'父类 _name': '关联字段'}




例:state = fields.Selection([('draft', 'Draft'),('confirm', 'Confirmed'),('cancel', 'Cancelled')], string='Status')





定义:otm = fields.One2many("关联对象 _name", "关联字段",string="字段显示名",...)

例:analytic_line_ids = fields.One2many('account.analytic.line', 'move_id', string='Analytic lines')"


定义:mto = fields.Many2one("关联对象 _name", string="字段显示名",...)



定义:mtm = fields.Many2many("关联对象 _name", "关联表/中间表","关联字段1","关联字段2",string="字段显示名",...)


例:partner_id= fields.Many2many("res.partner", string="字段显示名",...)"




例:sale_order = fields.One2many("sale.order", "contract_id",string="销售订单", domain=[('state','=','sale')])


例:amount = fields.Float(string="金额总计", compute=‘_compute_amount’,store=True)




advice_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payroll.advice', string='Bank Advice')
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', related='advice_id.company_id',
string='Company', store=True)



odoo Model字段的参数的相关教程结束。

《odoo Model字段的参数.doc》
